Dounan Hills

Designer: Joseph Wei
Time: 2021 summer
Location: Yunlin, Taiwan
A local cultural facility


Dounan is traditionally an agricultural town of Yulin, situated at the heart of the great Jianan Plan—the region that contributes to the country’s large percentage of consumed food crops and vegetables every year. The town owes its development preliminarily through economic policy, and further grew after the western line of the Taiwan railway was completed in early 1900s—all during the Japanese colonial.

The old Dounan police office building complex was also constructed during this time, as the growth of population required the reinforcement of governing. Its form is typical of that era, in which the Japanese struggled to strike balance between neo-classical influence and their own vernacular. The front(west) wing’s “red and grey” elements on the elevation represents the mainstream movement bought by the first generation of Japanese architects headed up by Tatsuno Kingo. The following south wing emphasizes more on Japan’s traditional form of wooden structure, for the colonist’s purposeful call for patriotism. Designated recently as cultural heritage, the complex experienced various addition after the colonial ended, now composed of four wings centering around the internal courtyard.  

70 years has past— the town of Dounan encounters new challenges. Structurally, young people moving out to cities for more opportunities bought about severe aging problems. Under limited budget, it faces frequent struggling between traditional industry, tourism and wait-to-be-improved infrastructures. The complex now sits quietly at the end of the main street, at one hand hardly linked to civic activities, at the other simply not attractive enough for cross-county tourists. 

Outward to inward

The design questions whether the now tourism-driven program of the site fits into this small township. Historical heritages shouldn’t be just what to be preserved, but to adapt and move on with its context. To rethink the need of the time at every point of revitalization add layers of cultural depth and complexity to the legacy itself.

Dounan sits at the midpoint between two other major towns of Yulin—Douliu and Huwei, while the site sits on the intersection just aside the major inter-county road. This relationship with its vicinity was key to the project seeking to service the local population at wide. To create a gathering point within the county for a multimodel of activities, and to facilitate public engagement on cultural events need no a cultural “bastion”, but a place that melts into the striation of the township lives.

Inward to outward

The existing arrangement of the four wings is inward-facing, with fences surrounding the periphery, obstructed views and limited entrance render the complex less accessible. By cutting a way though the center, the former courtyard becomes part of the streetscape where civic lives could pour directly into. At the meantime, by knocking down the concrete fences and opening up part of the façade, its relationship with the town becomes dynamic. These subtraction at the first floor ensure the two wings that were built in the Japanese colonial is well preserved, and the modification focuses on the rest two wings built afterwards, to open up especially the north and the east sides of the complex. Along this inner “street”, galleries, café, public restrooms and community workshop are unfolded.


Hovering above the heritage, floors and traversing circulation supported by lightweight structures and cables define the upper three levels. Pieces of floor slabs are connected in a sense that resonate the complex’s original circulation—a closed loop, the essence of which suggests that one never get to a cul-de-sac which requires heading toward the coming way, while going around.

Most part of the upper level have no solid roof, but streaks of “cloud” – pieces of shimmering metal panels— as though flowing by. The concept of “interior / exterior” is blurred, this “environment” here is a manmade nature, just like being on a hill among fog. On these floor slab there are “Pods” scattered. These pods are multifunctional boxes that define the absolute interior spaces. These spaces are adaptable to different purpose of use—such as community activity rooms, rentable discussion space, and even suits for nightclubs or bookshelves for bookstore. Thus the program across these levels is ever-changing, housing different activities during different span of time. These individual pods could be left open-air or closed off accordingly to weather condition.

The place is named “Dounangaoka”, which means “The hill of Dounan” in Japanese. Suggesting and Reminding people of its origin, the name is also a metaphor of the place. Like a hill that as one ascend it gets more foggy. Like a hill where one feel free to find their own way of climbing, roaming around and engage. Like a hill that it is a place for all people.